Reporting Requirements for the Use of MOONS Grand Proceeds
To qualify for funding from the MOONS Fund, a company needs to demonstrate that their company or projects use of grant proceeds will alight with “Green Principles”, “MOONS Impact Standards”, which provide an international standard based on the following core components. Explanation of the below should be addressed in the MOONS application form a well as in the project proposal:
Use of Proceeds:
Designated Green Projects should provide clear environmental benefits, which will be assessed, measured, and reported by the grantee.
MOONS project must demonstrate how the project is linked to achieving against specific MOONS outcomes.
Process for Project Evaluation and Selection: The grantee should clearly communicate how it is organized to assess and receive grant proceeds. In addition, the grantee should explain how it will manage environmental and social risk of eligible projects.
Management of Proceeds: The proceeds of MOONS grant should be credited to a dedicated account or tracked by the company to maintain transparency and promote the integrity of the product.
Reporting: There should be a use of qualitative performance indicators and, where feasible, quantitative performance measures (for example, energy capacity, electricity generation, greenhouse gas emissions reduced/avoided, etc.)
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