Buying MOONS Token from Website
Set Up MetaMask
Create an account at
Install Metamask for Chrome Webstore for any Blink Browser like Google Chrome, Edge, Brave, and Chromium.
Write down Secret Recovery Phrase and do not lose it or you will lose your MOONS Tokens.
Have your reference ID number ready for next step.
Setup Binance
Create an account at
Set up your payment account from the Settings.
Deposit funds into the account.
Deposit BNB funds into BEP20 (BSC).
Confirm your deposit, widthdraw, or transfer funds through your email.
Purchase MOONS Tokens through Pancake Swap
Go to MOONS and click the Buy Now button.
Connect your wallet through the Metamask Chrome extension and Metamask will set up the transfer for you.
In Settings, set your Slippage Tolerance to at least 12%.
Enter the amount of MOONS Token you want to purchase.
Last updated